Education preschool 3-4 year olds student teacher conferring with supervisor on site before observation horizontal
Copyright © Laura Dwight Photography
Contained in Galleries:
Preschool and Child Care Laura Dwight
Preschool and Child Care Laura Dwight
2-5 year olds, 20s, 3-5 year olds, 30-50 years old, 50s, African American, Caucasian, Head Start, Headstart, NYC, OCCUPATION, Pre-K, USA, adult, adults, advisor, black, confer, conferring, discuss, discussion, education, experienced, female, horizontal, human, learn, learning, mature, meet, meeting, middle age, people, person, pre-kindergarten, preschool, site visit, student, supervise, supervisor, teacher, training, twenties, two people, white, woman, youth