modeling imitation child development 3 year old girl plays with doll as mother changes diaper of newborn baby sister horizotnal Hispanic Mexican American
Copyright © Laura Dwight Photography
Contained in Galleries:
Laura Dwight-Evostock
Laura Dwight-Evostock
0-2 years old, 2-4 years old, 3 years old, babe, babes, babies, baby, child, concept, conceptual, diaper change, ethnic, ethnicity, EVOstock, family, female, feminine, girl, hispanic, horizontal, human, human being, human beings, humans, imitation, infant, infant care, lass, Latina, ma, mama, mamma, mammy, Mexican American, modeling, mom, momma, mommy, mother, mum, mummy, parent, parents, people, person, preschool age, role model, toddler