Education Elementary School New York Grade 3 circle time on rug with female teacher talking to class horizontal
Copyright © Laura Dwight Photography. Any reproduction of any kind in any media prohibited without express written permission from the copyright holder. All rights reserved
3rd grade, 4-12 years old, 40 years old, 40's, 40s, 8 years old, 9 years old, African American, Asian, Asian American, Caucasian, NYC, New York City, USA, Vietnamese American, adult, adult 30-50, boy, boys, circle, circle time, classroom, discuss, discussing, discussion, education, eight years old, elementary school, ethnic diversity, ethnic mix, female, females, forties, geography, girl, girls, grade 3, group, hand gesture, horizontal, learn, learning, learning activity, learns, listen, listening, listens, male, males, nine years old, occupation, paying attention, people, raised hands, raising hand, rug, schools, social studies, talk, talking, teach, teacher, teaches, teaching, third grade, thoughtful, white, woman