Education preschool observer taking notes as teacher talks about conflict to a group of girls in family/pretend play area
Copyright © Laura Dwight Photography. Any reproduction of any kind in any media prohibited without express written permission from the copyright holder. All rights reserved.
Contained in Galleries:
Teenagers Laura Dwight
Teenagers Laura Dwight
3-5 years old, 4-12 year olds, 4-12 years old, African American, Hispanic, Latina, USA, adult, age 3, age 4, child, children, classroom, conflict, education, female, four years old, girl, group, horizontal, human, interacting, interaction, learning, listen, listening, multethnic, multiracial, note taking, observation, observer, pre-k, pre-kindergarten, preschool, preschool age, psychology, resolution, six people, talking, teacher, three years old, woman, writing